Mayor Cherelle Parker Commits To Making Philadelphia More Business-Friendly, Signs New Order


Cherelle Parker speaking
Image via YouTube, NBC 10 Philadelphia.
Cherelle Parker has signed the PHL Open For Business Executive Order, to help make Philadelphia more business-friendly.

Mayor Cherelle Parker has stayed true to one of her many campaign promises in signing the PHL Open for Business Executive Order, writes Jeff Cole for FOX 29.

The executive order outlines her administration’s commitment to “creating a business-friendly government that removes regulatory burdens, accelerates approval timelines and further streamlines City permit and licensing processes.”

All in all, the goal is to make it easier for businesses of all sizes to access guidance, assistance, resources, and financial programs. 

“We are committing to elevating efficient government services: streamlines, user-friendly, accessible. Why? We want to remove all red tape,” Mayor Parker said. 

The Philadelphia Department of Commerce said it cataloged 96 licenses, registrations, and permits required for many businesses. 

The goal is to limit them and offer individual counseling in multiple languages for small business owners and start-ups. 

Jennifer Rodriguez, president and CEO of the Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, noted that a Chamber survey found that lowering taxes, as well as lowering the cost and ease of doing business are two of the most important things to business owners.

Parker has proposed cutting taxes on small businesses.

“Lowering taxes is essential,” she said. 

Read more about how the Parker administration is helping aid local business owners in FOX 29.


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