Bucks County Historical Society Plans Sale of Hart Property for New Housing Development
The Bucks County Historical Society has unveiled plans to sell a 24-acre parcel known as the Hart property in Doylestown Township, writes Chris Ullery for the Bucks County Courier Times.
The proposed sale to Zaveta Custom Homes could lead to the development of a 36-unit housing project. This initiative aims to provide financial support for the maintenance and preservation of the Mercer Museum and Fonthill Castle.
After six years of deliberation, divesting the Hart property emerged as a strategic move to bolster the society’s primary sites.
The proposed development mirrors Zaveta’s previous Town’s Edge project, with an anticipated cost increase to $1.5 million due to rising construction expenses post-pandemic.
The plan, however, has faced some pushback from local residents concerned about the impact of new homes on their community. The project is in its early stages, including a necessary zoning change from its current institutional designation to allow for residential development.
The Bucks County Historical Society aims to enhance its stewardship of local heritage sites through this strategic move.
Read more about the Bucks County Historical Society’s plans to develop housing in the Bucks County Courier Times.
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