Once-mighty SS United States Faces Eviction From Its South Philly Home


Aerial view of the SS United States.
Image via Billy Penn.
Aerial view of the SS United States. The once-mighty SS United States, which was built in the 1950s to showcase American ingenuity and strength, could be evicted from its Southern Philadelphia home.

The SS United States, built in the 1950s to showcase American ingenuity and strength, has called South Philadelphia its home for over a quarter-century, writes Hajii Brown for NewsBreak.

This once-mighty symbol of American engineering prowess now finds itself in an eviction showdown as it continues to remain anchored on the Delaware River, across from an Ikea store.

The SS United States shattered records previously held by the British liner Queen Mary when it made its maiden voyage in 1952. But the passage of time has not been kind.

And despite being served an eviction notice due to unpaid rent, the ocean liner has remained defiant and has not vacated its berth.

The issue appeared when the pier it is berthed at hiked the daily rent from $850 to $1700 two years ago.

The owners of the ship, a nonprofit dedicated to its restoration, considered the change unlawful. They refused to pay the increased rent and now owe more than $160,000 in back payments.

The case against the nonprofit was initially dismissed but is set to resume this month. The result could potentially mean the end to nearly three decades of riverside history.

Read more about why the SS United States is facing eviction from its Southern Philadelphia home in NewsBreak.


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